Our security measures and tools include the following:
Account and Asset Security
- 2FA: to ensure account security and prevent any unauthorized access
- $40 million insurance fund for all losses caused by the platform, paid out within 24h
- Feature of mandatory whitelisting for Bitcoin addresses
- Cold storage of digital assets with multi-signature technology
- Multi-signature
It can resist attacks and avoid losing access authority to keys or facilities eliminating single points of failure.
- Separation of Cold and Hot Wallet
Most digital assets of customers are stored in offline storage (Cold Wallet). In an online wallet (Hot Wallet), only a few digital assets are stored.
- Manual Secondary Review
Transferring assets from Cold Wallet to Hot Wallet requires a second manual review of the offline signature to ensure that your assets are fully protected.
Internal Controls
- Thoroughly Risk-check after each order placement and execution
- Encrypted SSL (HTTPS) protocol to encrypt and protect the website traffic
- All passwords are encrypted hashed (use bcrypt with a cost factor of 12) and all other sensitive data is encrypted as well
- Continuous IT security assessments to identify new potential vulnerabilities timely.
Our environment is hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS), which is reputable in physical security and internal controls.